I like the Ocean and this is all the stuff I know about the ones around the world.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Shark Scare

This will be the biggest fish in the sea that is a shark. Its name is the whale shark and the only place you can find them in the USA is the Georgia Aquarium.

If you want to know the scariest of all the sharks it is the great white shark. The great white shark never stops being a predator. Sometimes you will hear what is called a feeding frenzy of sharks.

The most camouflaged shark is the woebegone shark. You might find a picture of it on this blog. If you can find the woebegone picture you'll be playing a game.

[Typed by Rehm's Mom]

Jellyfish Day

The most poisonous jellyfish is the box jellyfish. If you get stung by this jellyfish it will inject poison. If you don't get medical care quick it might kill you.

The most colorful jellyfish you can find is somewhere on this blog. It is the comb jellyfish.

Most of the world's jellyfish are blue.

That is it!